History of Futsal

Futsal was invented in Montevideo,Uruguay in 1930, by Juan Carlos Ceriani. Theuniqueness of futsal attention throughout South America,especially in Brazil.Skillsdeveloped in this game can be seen in the style shown the world famous Brazilianplayers in the outdoors, on a regular sized field. Pele, the famous Brazilian star, for example, developed his talents in futsal. While Brazil continues to be the center of the world futsal, the game is now played under the aegis of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association around the world, from Europe to Central America and NorthAmerica as well as Africa, Asia, and Oceania.The first international match was held in 1965, Paraguay won the first South AmericanCup. Six subsequent seizure of South America Cup was held until 1979, and wiped outall the carpet champion Brazil. Brazil continued its dominance by winning the first Pan American Cup in 1980 and won it again the next year struggle 1984.                     

The first Futsal World Championship was held for the help FIFUSA (before its membersjoined FIFA in 1989) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1982, ended with Brazil in the first position.Brazil repeated the victory in both the 1985 World Championships in Spain, but suffereddefeat of Paraguay in the third World Championships 1988 in Australia.
The first international Futsal match held in the U.S. in December 1985, at Sonoma StateUniversity in Rohnert Park, California. Futsal The Rule of the Game.

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