Tip Buying and Choosing Futsal Shoes

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If you are someone who likes sports, especially sports indoor soccer, then you shouldalready have a futsal shoes that support. If you do not have a good futsal shoes andappropriate for you, the following tips for buying and choosing shoes futsal:

1.Sure you have enough capital to buy a nice futsal shoes. I suggest you have acapital between-Rp.450.000 Rp.200.000. to buy shoes you can also visit the OnlineShoe Store to simplify the purchasing process.

2. In choosing, it is advisable to choose an appropriate futsal shoes with your feet. If your legs taper-shaped, then you choose shoes that are pointy too, in order to feelcomfortable when worn.

3. Advisable not to choose shoes that are heavy for you,so when you feel uncomfortablewearing it.
4. Choose shoes that are shaped rubber bottom. Usually brown rubber futsal shoes. If used it will feel rough, not slick. Also adjust the size of the shoe with your foot size.
5. Select brand and color of shoes you like, of course, with prices Onlineyang Shoe Stores in accordance with the capital / budget you have.
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Now you have a suitable indoor soccer shoes to support your activities in sports,especially playing futsal. Maybe it's just tips from me. Good luck!



1. Passing,

In passing the ball to friends, cultivated with the foot part in disahakan ball fast enough.Due to relatively small futsal field, if passing is too slow would be very easy to cut by the opponent. Futsal ball is smaller (the reflection is not too large compared to a large ballfield), so taut as any passing of a friend, it is still possible to be controlled.

2. Menconcong ball,

Mencocong is kicking the ball, but using the toe / shoe. Usually when we've been dealingwith the goalkeeper, when we are less good position to shoot (because the ball positionis too far forward), then menconcong ball will find one effective way to produce a goal.Because with this technique, the ball would take off pretty fast (as in shooting), and the ball will also keep moving straight. Differences with a large ball field, if diconcong theflight of the ball going out of control.

3.Tips scored.

Because of his goal to shoot small and very small gap, then try ngeluncur ball like a banana but flat. When our side of the ball dribbles into the middle before kick straight upthe middle, if it means the opposite direction from right to left hand corner kickgoalkeeper.

4. Keep your stamina.

Futsal field is relatively small, be it the field of indoor / outdoor use regular or synthetic turf field, but sometimes we are too busy running to and fro so much motion that resulted in our rapid fatigue. Better to have an orderly distribution of the attack or to survive.When attacking, use small bait-bait, and at last throw away the ball, so that the player in front can help the player back in defense.

When your stamina runs out, rest. The content or added back your stamina for exampleby consuming a healthy water such as water.

Best Futsal Player

Best Futsal Player
Over the years, Alessandro Rosa Vieira has been regarded as the best futsal player in the world. Men with a brilliant left foot, dubbed "Falcao", aiming to win the only trophy stillmissing from the collection That is, the Futsal World Cup, in his Homeland Brazil.
Praise and applause was for Alessandro Rosa Vieira, known in the futsal world simplyas "Falcao". Four years ago, he was Recognized as the best futsal player on theplanet.More than two million people now play futsal held across the world. The appeal ofinfinitefutsal, futsal and Falcao is  ambassador extraordinary to attract people to wantto playfutsal.

Those WHO view him play IMMEDIATELY fell in love with the game futsal.Apparently no gimmicks or trickery left foot Brazilian star. "Falcao is my idol," said Ronaldinho,sounding like a star-attacking another teen like, Brazilian football star Robinho tocall with the title "professor"


Futsal actual entry into Indonesia in the years around 1998-1999. Then in the 2000s, futsal has become a popular community. At that moment began to grow with the burgeoning futsal schools futsal in Indonesia. Then in 2002 the AFC has asked Indonesia to host Asian Cup championship.

Futsal in Indonesia is already highly developed. However, until now merely recreational sports futsal course, not to become a professional sport. So I think for the beginning of its development is good. Now it was just how the Agency for National Futsal (BFN) and the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) can work together to bring this sport enjoyed by all communities and become a professional sport.

What are the obstacles faced in developing futsal?

The main obstacle in this sport is all about funding for the trial. Consequently, if our national team play at home we would always win big. However, we do not get the lessons from the victories it. The national team needs to play abroad in order to learn and know the strength of opponents, although later we will lose. In Europe there are strong teams. We shall in play against them.

For now, to gain experience to compete with strong teams simply by following a friendly match, the ASEAN championship and invitational championship, like the KL World 5, which will begin next week.

What should be done in order to become a professional sports indoor soccer and futsal Indonesia became the world power?

The first is socialization. Must increasingly be held by holding the championship or tournament sponsor. It is our duty, BFN, which should be thought of for the competitions.Right now we're talking about indoor soccer programs in the country. Cooperation with relevant parties, especially with a variety of media, can be an important suggestion for socialsasi.

Then the coaching must be addressed. Cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Menpora to futsal become compulsory sport in primary schools could be one solution.

The latter is a means. Currently futsal field of layered rubber (rubber) is still rare. Indoor soccer fields that exist such as in Jakarta now have even more flourishing. Means futsal should increasingly propagated.

What about the National Futsal League which had run some time ago and then disappeared.

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